Our Health Screening
Cutting Hill Clinic in Hertfordshire offers a number of comprehensive, full body health screening packages, designed to cater for a variety of needs. Tests are administered by our experienced GP, Dr Julian Godlee (BSc MBBChir DRCOG MRCGP) and you will receive a full, clear report of all your results.
What to Expect
Your health screening check-up will take place in a private consulting room at Cutting Hill Clinic (although full body screening as part of our Platinum Package will be off-site at a hospital location). The clinic is easy to get to, being close to the A602 and has plenty of parking. The location is quiet and discreet and you’ll receive a warm and friendly welcome when you arrive. Your health screening will be of the highest calibre, given that all consultations are with our experienced Doctor (not a nurse or healthcare assistant).
Your Results
Your detailed Health Screening Report will explain your results in clear, easy-to-understand terms and will highlight any possible risk areas.